Kyle Staffa, Owner and CEO
732-831-4174 | kyles@staffastone.com
Kyle Staffa brings a lifetime of planning and installation experience to every project.
Staffa Story
Owner and CEO, Kyle Staffa, brings a lifetime of planning and installation experience to every project. He began his industry education at an early age, alongside his stoneworker father, and later went on to study at the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute, the National Concrete Masonry Association, and hone his skills in classes held by manufacturers. This combination of formal training and lessons learned through installing by hand - paver by paver - carefully laid the groundwork for his successful career.
Before launching Staffa Stone, Kyle worked his way up in numerous outfits, rising through the ranks in progressive management and leadership roles. He has developed a solid reputation for a strong work ethic among vendors, contractors, and homeowners alike. Kyle carries this boots-on-the-ground experience with him into the showroom and uses it everyday, along with the entire Staffa Stone team, to advise on complex renovations and elaborate installs from project inception to timely completion.